Do you have an inspirational story to share? Readers in our society often seek advice to grow & understand challenges in today’s world. Wise Publications works with many self-help authors in a range of markets to help encourage and inspire these growing souls. Buyers expect this type of editorial content to have a familiar style of repetition & intent. Let us help your publish your self-help book today!

Do you have an inspirational story to share? Readers in our society often seek advice to grow & understand challenges in today’s world. Wise Publications works with many self-help authors in a range of markets to help encourage and inspire these growing souls. Buyers expect this type of editorial content to have a familiar style of repetition & intent. Let us help your publish your self-help book today!

Amazon KDP E-Book
Allow readers to enjoy your book around the world!
Although some authors may prepare an e-book themselves from the graphics files we provide after printing their book, most find the process tedious, time consuming, and confusing. For a fee starting at $95, we can save you the headache, so you can focus your energy on social media campaigns and marketing.
Online Bookstore
Writing Services
Sell your book and shop other titles!
We offer our website and physical bookstore as an additional outlet for your book sales. Many writers don’t want to hassle with shipping books at the post office and find it much easier to just refer readers to our site. In addition to your book, we’re always looking for suggestions of out-of-print, regional, non-fiction titles that we re-publish ourselves.
You supply the concept, we craft your words together!
Although effective when complete, busy business people may not have the skill-set or time necessary for finishing a comprehensive, quality non-fiction offering. Instead of leaving a story untold, it is faster & smarter to use one of our ghostwriters to reach your audience!
Marketing Materials
We supply complimentary marketing materials with every order!
When publishing with us, we don't just give you your books and run. We want to equip you with the tools to be successful in your venture, so we provide posters, bookmarks and order forms with every order to help out with your marketing needs.
Cover Design

The only time it's okay to judge a book by it's cover!
It is our job to polish your visual concept so that your book will compare to others on the store shelf. During this final design step (which is separate from page formatting), it's crucial to create a book cover that looks professional. Let us add all the unique elements that make a book look like a book!
Editing Services
We'll catch every correction!
We offer an array of editing services for your convenience and consideration. With our services, you can improve upon the way your book reads and increases sales. The final polished manuscript is yours, of course, as you have the last final say and full control over what we publish!
Print On Demand
Printing to Accommodate You!
Let us suggest a range of options for any budget and discuss costs to choose from! Although ordering in bulk can be more profitable as the price per book decreases as your quantity order rises, print on demand can be convenient as the upfront cost is much less expensive.
Author's Website
Reach a broader audience!
In today’s book market, a quality website and blog are required for online sales success. If you don’t exist digitally, customers will have a much more difficult time finding your work. Let us help you reach your readers easier through the power of the web.
Binding Services
We have the binding style for your story!
We produce all types of book-bindings right here in our full-service plant in Sulphur, Louisiana. We provide both hardcover and perfect binding styles for your latest novel or work of non-fiction. We also offer comb binding, coil binding, saddle stitching, post binding, plastic strip binding, and wire coiling. We'll recommend the perfect binding for your project!
Book Trailers
Build excitement for your book!
Spreading the word about your book before it's released is crucial to generating sales. With the rise of media sharing apps and social media platforms, having a book trailer is one of the most effective ways to quickly generate a buzz about your book. Let us create a professional and sharable trailer to let all your friends, family, and beyond know about your newest book!
Press Release
Inform the local lot!
Amongst our many marketing offerings, we include a written press release to send to the local media. Whether you want to get the word out about an author signing or book reading, we'll use our connections to inform the public about your great new book.
Audio Books
Hear your book!
As the fastest growing book format within the last 3 years, creating an audio book in addition to your physical copies and e-books may be worth your while. Although we are not fully equipped to produce your audio book in house, we can assist and guide you through the process.
Church History Book
Preserve the Past!
Wise Publications will compile & design your archival material and help you publish your own Church History Book at a reasonable price. Our staff will guide you thru a step-by-step process and show you how the project will financially pay for itself.