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Used Books

Wise Publications offers useful marketing materials complimentary to your book order.

Use them to promote your book and watch your sales grow. 

Bookmarks are your new business card. Advertise your works and include a page marker with each book sold as a treat for customers.

Accommodate new book orders!

Include order forms in each book and encourage more sales. Readers can give them to their friends when recommending your book. 

Make your book stand out! 

Promote your book in store windows and advertise book-signings with these 12x18" posters. 

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Marketing Materials
order forms mock.png
Bookmark mokcup with book.png
Other Offerings

Book Trailer

Build excitement for your book!

Spreading the word about your book before it's released is crucial to generating sales. With the rise of media sharing apps and social media platforms, having a book trailer is one of the most effective ways to quickly generate a buzz about your book. Let us create a professional and sharable trailer to let all your friends, family, and beyond know about your newest book! 

Press Release

Inform the local lot!

Amongst our many marketing offerings, we include a written press release to send to the local media. Whether you want to get the word out about an author signing or book reading, we'll use our connections to inform the public about your great new book. 

Other Ideas

Table Throws are a good upgrade when you plan a lot of signings. You are perceived as a more substantial publisher. 


Coloring Sheets & Stickers are a great free item for children's book readings. We'll also include your website on the sheets to encourage sales to parents.

Postcards are used to promote book signings when you have access to a mail list. Nicer than an e-mail, these handouts may be used for reception-type events. 

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