Do you have an inspirational story to share? Readers in our society often seek advice to grow & understand challenges in today’s world. Wise Publications works with many self-help authors in a range of markets to help encourage and inspire these growing souls. Buyers expect this type of editorial content to have a familiar style of repetition & intent. Let us help your publish your self-help book today!

Do you have an inspirational story to share? Readers in our society often seek advice to grow & understand challenges in today’s world. Wise Publications works with many self-help authors in a range of markets to help encourage and inspire these growing souls. Buyers expect this type of editorial content to have a familiar style of repetition & intent. Let us help your publish your self-help book today!


Author's Website
Reach a broader audience and sell books around the world!
In today’s book market, a quality website and blog are required for online sales success. If you don’t exist digitally, customers will have a much more difficult time finding your work. Let us help you reach your readers easier through the power of the web.
At Wise Publications, web design doesn’t have to be an intimidating process that costs thousands of dollars for bells & whistles you won’t even use. Let’s just get you up & running and back to the business of publishing!

Why should I go online with Wise?
Creating your own site may sound simple, but it's what comes after the basics where most people get frustrated. Our web service saves the trouble for busy people, like you. You'll get a much snazzier design while saving time, and we will teach you how to maintain it yourself!
Professional Design that Saves You Time
Online Payments
Collect your own revenue from direct sales with your e-commerce website. We’ll create a payment portal with PayPal as a third party credit card payment processor. It's an easy checkout process and you’ll get to keep all the profits for your business.
Create a Blog
Nowadays, readers expect their favorite author to have a blog to connect with. Blogging is not that much different than other social media platforms such as Facebook... it just has a literary slant! Updating your blog can be an enjoyable creative outlet and is gratifying to your craft, no matter how many books you end up selling.
Our Design Package
A basic one-time design fee for a 5-page custom website includes home page, blog, author page with photos, buy now portal, contact, and e-mail subscriber list options. Our graphic designers usually start with the cover design as a theme and then discuss your preferences. Site build includes ad copywriting, search engine optimization, banners, and 60 days of training & friendly hand-holding. The finished products are completely turned over to your control with no ongoing fees from us. A first time yearly fee for the domain name and site hosting must also be paid to the website host at your own discretion.
Additional Services
Additional services are available at an hourly rate such as extra pages, monthly maintenance, animation, videos, future alterations, and set up for other social media platforms.