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Used Books
We Republish Rare Books

Help us uncover good titles to publish!

Our editors are always seeking your nominations of old manuscripts to bring back into availability. We are especially looking for Louisiana local history titles with original source material from decades ago or older! These forgotten & lost books are sitting on someone's shelf, and are usually not even in library circulation anymore.



If you know of a book that you believe needs to be republished, email us at


More information down below!


Here's one of our previously out-of-print, newly republished titles.




Out of Print

There are so many orphan books no longer in circulation that are just waiting to be rediscovered. Perhaps the author is no longer with us or the publishing house delisted the title decades ago. Our goal is to reissue these manuscripts for the next generation of learning. We’ll  design full color covers and re-edit the manuscript to give the book a new life. Before we begin, editors evaluate if enough collectors would buy the republished content in order to justify the publishing and design expenses. Once they’re completed, we publish a few hundred copies and warehouse them for sale in our catalog. 




Authors Books- Out of print

There are many good books that have been written over time that have simply drifted out of print. Usually, they made a local splash! These titles may have been popular 15 years ago, until everyone got their hands one one, causing the title to drift out of print. The author can’t use another 500 copies and the files are not digitized, so what next? We track down the authors to obtain rights, and they’re usually happy to get their books back out there. We add a new updated color cover and  also offer the author 10-15 reprints at a wholesale price.


Researching New Books in History

Wise family members have written dozens of books for over fifty years now. Mr. Wise is always working on several new compilations continuously. You can nominate a subject and suggest source material. Editors will evaluate if there is a market for the published work. We are always looking for local history of Louisiana small towns, colorful community leaders, and historic tales. Unfortunately, we are usually unable to maintain a market for fiction, children’s, or theological titles. 


New Books in Print

We are always looking for special interest, Louisiana history that our customers have not heard of. Let us know about them and we can  purchase those books from the publishers and retail them in our store. Please email us with title suggestions, especially books from independent authors!


Publish Your Books

Working on your own original manuscript? We have manufactured millions of books for self publishers in all genres. Our graphic designers work with you directly to format your creative effort into a commercial work. We have personally assisted thousands of authors through the process of issuing a few hundred of their books and generating a few thousand dollars in profit. 



Where do we find our books?

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