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Helen Elaine Jordan

"We've done several book projects with Ms. Helen over the years. She was always able to have tracked down some intriguing documents."

Where Is Henry?

  • Genealogist Helen Jordan has compiled into one volume her vast record of very interesting source documents on the Jordan family surname in southern Colonial America. Included are Descendant tables, numerous maps, photos, a thorough listing of source locations, & compelling narratives on indentured servitude.

    "Our first Jordan came to America from Ireland after the American Revolution. He came as an indentured servant and landed at Charles Town. His son Henry A. Jordan was born circa 1800 in most probably western Alabama or eastern Mississippi."

    "The New England communities, scanty in their agricultue, chary of favors, and hostile to newcomers as they were, reluctantly received indentured servants. Father south, on the contrary, they were hailed with delight by planters & farmers who wanted cheap labor, by speculators who needed more settlers to validate their grants of land, and by colonial proprietors who wished to build up the population."

    "Levi Jordan was shot and instantly killed Monday night at Merryville, Louisiana (in the infamous Neutral Zone). Broadus and Jordan were both boarding at the same house, and they had had a quarrel. While they were quarrelling the landlady, Mrs. Dumoth called them to supper. Three or four remarks were passed when Broadus jumped up from the table and picked up a .22 caliber rifle. It is said that he placed the muzzle of the gun almost against Jordan's head and fired. -  ....Levi Jordan himself had also killed a man named "Red" Murphy at Pickering about a year ago."

    This book was prepared to facilitate and encourage research for those interested in the Jordans. It is not a book of answers, rather it is meant to arouse questions. Revealing the history of the times which the first Jordans lived and migrated to America, the author traveled across the country gathering information from libraries, courthouses, and newspapers. This book contains charts, maps, history, and genealogy, starting the "first Jordan". 

  • Helen Elaine Jordan

    Wise Publications

    374 Pages

    8.5x11 Hardcover

    Black and White Illustrations and Photographs with many documents & maps.

    Index: Towns, States where information was gathered for this publication

    Published in 2000

    ISBN: 978-1-68593-020-2

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