Mary Ann Reid
Maplewood: Louisiana's Newest Modern Town
In 1942, when the United States had thrown its full weight behind the war effort, the industry was called upon to expand rapidly to meet the increasing demand of a nation at war. In response to this appeal, the top industrial firms of the country went into high gear. Cities Service was soon called upon to produce more and more gasoline for the engines of war. This produced a large demand for workers in the area. Nearly 800 families traveled to Sulphur, Louisiana from practically every one of the 48 states as well as several foreign countries. In order to house the swelling population of workers, the only option was to launch a brand new town called Maplewood, which was developed on the outskirts of Sulphur, in close proximity to the refinery in which the travelers worked. This book holds many photographs and memories dating back to the very beginning of the beautiful town we call "Maplewood".
Wise Publications
138 pages
8.5x11 Hardcover
Black and White Illustrations and Photos
Published: 2000
ISBN: 978-1-952005-07-7