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Biographical Sketches of the Veterans of the Battalion of Orleans, 1814-1815

  • The army of Andrew Jackson was outnumbered two-to-one in the 1814 battle with the British Redcoats for control of New Orleans. Yet, despite great odds, the soldiers fought valiantly alongside the Lafitte brothers and their band of Baratarian outlaws to effectively repel the invasion and save the city from a fall into British hands.


    The men who formed the American force, many inexperienced in battle, came from all walks of life. Some were wealthy businessmen who visited New Orleans periodically; others were artisans and merchants who lived and worked in that city.

    From the muster rolls and payrolls written in French, Spanish and English, Dr. Morazan has, with historian’s precision, compiled this unique detailed list of those courageous warriors who staged one of the most colorful military upsets in American history. 


    More than 600 entries trace the family backgrounds of the soldiers with information about where they lived, who their parents and family were, who they married, where and when they died. Many of the entries include facts about their descendants, making this volume a necessity to scholars in Louisiana genealogy. 

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