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As Mayor of Donaldsonville, Louisiana in the 1930's, Sidney Marchand has written a complete city history with thorough use of courthouse and newpaper records. Many photos of the late 1800's show life before electric lights or horseless vehicles. Chapters include Steamboats, Churches, Streets, Town Officials, Railroads, and Ferry Boats.

"... The first exiles to reach La Louisiane sent out glowing accounts of the country... and most began arriving about 1763 - 1765, and the volume increased year to year. The Spanish government, having acquired Louisiana, granted lands for the Second Acadian settlement in what is now Ascension parish."

    As William Donaldson, a young man of enterprise, industry, and vision, walked the streets of old New Orleans - his thoughts turned up the river to that point where the Lafourche leaves the Father of Waters. Said Donaldson to himself, "This would be an ideal spot on which to build a city."

Across the Years

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